Field Notes Steno Pad
The Field Notes Steno Pad is the perfect tool for anyone who needs to take quick, efficient notes. The 6″ by 9″ size is ideal for carrying around with you, and the black Double-O Wiring spiral at the top ensures that your notes will always lie flat – open or closed. Inside, you’ll find 80 pages of Gregg-ruled 70# “Bright White” paper, with a soy-based application of light brown “Double Knee Duck Canvas” ink.
The Field Notes Steno’s covers are made from sturdy Newark Paperboard Mills 60 pt. “Super Duty Chipboard,” and feature a screen-printed 1-Colour application of black “Dictation Smudge” ink. The inside covers provide a wealth of useful information useful information from the history of stenography and an abbreviations guide, to temperature conversions, planetary distances from the sun, a hobo symbol quick reference guide and more. Frankly, we wonder how we ever got by without one open on our desks at all times.
Stenography, or ‘shorthand’ is a writing system designed to increase speed and/or space-efficiency, most often used in journalism, medical, legal, and business environments to transcribe the spoken word.
About the brand
“I’m not writing it down to remember it later, I’m writing it down to remember it now.” Field Notes Brand notebooks are simple cahier style notebooks, a quiet nod to the memo books of days gone by. Made in the U.S.A. from durable materials and inspired by the vanishing subgenre of agricultural memo books, ornate pocket ledgers and the simple unassuming beauty of a well-crafted grocery list, Field Notes brings you “An honest memo book, worth fillin’ up with GOOD INFORMATION.”